2 Years Courses
and Technology

Certificate of training in the following courses
About Us
The AZGH College Inc. Shall become the leading and pioneering institution that will have a transformative impact on society through continual innovation in education, research, creativity, health care sciences, hospitality management, and science and technology with integrated digital and artificial intelligence systems and programs that are responsive to address social problems, and global challenges through high quality education to its graduates to become the creators of positive change and competitive for ethical leadership roles and career opportunities in the national and international workforce
The AZGH College Inc. is committed to provide its graduates a transformative educational experience focused on deep disciplinary knowledge; critical thinking, problem solving, values, leadership, effective interpersonal communication skills; creativity, innovation, gender and development, cultural awareness and personal health and mental well-being through quality and accessible education, training, innovative systems, and technology-driven programs in a dynamic and inclusive environment. It shall produce graduates who are committed to: attracting diverse, world-class talent; creating a collaborative environment open to the free exchange of ideas and skill where research, creativity, and innovation can flourish; and ensuring individuals can achieve their best potentials
The AZGH College, Inc. believes in summum bonum, the highest good of four Stoic virtues: wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance as the fundamental principles on which all human action is directed, it can lead to the best possible life along with ethical and professional standards. It also believes in the advancement of learning and research and to meet the demands of the global competitive society, and contribute to organizational aspirations as transformative impact for national development. A responsive institution committed to quality and evidenced-based learning outcomes at an affordable, accessible, and equitable education and training for all.
In meeting the needs of our demographically diverse student population, we embrace equity, and social responsibility in 4 Stoic virtues
WISDOM by creating an educational environment in which students can attain a focused and specific and outcome-based goals and by leading to the achievement of academic and career goals.
COURAGE by encouraging enthusiastic, independent thinkers and learners striving for personal and professional growth and by implementing state-of-the-art technology that enhances instruction and prepares students for life-long success
JUSTICE by providing affordable, accessible, and equitable education and training for all with ethical data-driven decisions fostering a learning community in which the diverse values, goals, and learning styles of all students are recognized and supported.
TEMPERANCE by allowing students exercise moderation and calmness as the ability to keep the emotions under control and act rightly with all the global challenges impact the society.
Inspired by a deep sense of Zaratenean philosophy, institutional core values and commitment to innovative programs, the AZGH College Inc. shall aim to realize the following goals and objectives:
1 To be the Center of Development in allied health sciences and medical programs
2 To acquire the status of 100% programs accredited by accrediting agencies
3 To enhance continuing professional development of faculty of instruction in the pursuit of life-long learning through exposure in creative innovations
4 To produce relevant and adaptable researches, extension services, and linkage programs for the benefit of the stakeholders of the institution, and communities
5 To contribute and become the preferred supplier of market and industry-specific, ethical professionals, and skilled employees
6 To aspire for 100% employability of all graduates
“To lead is to Serve”